Sunday, October 10, 2010


Supermarket missions

Don has had it hard with out his Vegmite, and my supply of Peppermint tea was seriously interrupted.


Why no tandem ???
Don races down hills as fast as poss, while I, having struggled to the top, like to savour the down hill experience.


Sausage buddy
WE camped in a fairly desolate field, having been told the owwer probably would not mind. While eating dinner a huge Ute bounded across through the darkness. 'Buddy 'leaned out of the window and said its all fine. stay as long as you like.
When well asleep,about 10 30, he returned to say it was sad we missed the Homecoming game the previous night. It was also sad we missed the dance H tonight, but..oh yes stay as long as you like... He gave us a box of very spicy snd rather burned sausages. Don popped out of the tent, having pulled on some pants and tried to make conversation about the logging industry and local issues. 'Buddy'said again we could stay as long as we liked, and headed off. As we were 3 days between shops the sausages were very welcome.

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A Bike for Serena
Jim and Serena were great hosts in Birmingham. Jim is keen to cycle tour, but Serena prefers to make glorious patchwork quilts. This may just solve the problem

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