Luke, had only been a member for just over two weeks when he got our email the day before we arrived, we had hoped to call him on the phone and confirm, but we arrived along the street he lived on before we found a phone.
Fortunately he was home from work having a late lunch when we knocked on his door, he made us most welcome, and was all for putting us in one of the spare bedrooms when we found out his wife did not know anything about Warm Showers (or the fact that we had been in touch,) on top of this she was expecting two of her brothers with their wives and kids for a holiday stay the next night,so we insisted on putting up our tent in the backyard.
His wife was most gracious when she arrived home to find strangers camping on the lawn and taking over the bathroom, she even invited us to a surprise party for a friend of hers some way out of town as well as to the barbeque she was putting on for her family and a few friends the next night. She went off to her friends surprise party, Luke went back to work for a couple of hours.
When Luke came home he loaded Val and I into his 1962 Ford Coupe, one of those extremely long and wide cars, it had a hood that folded down and a front seat that would fit four at a squeeze.
Off we went, and at every traffic light someone from the next car would lean out and tell Luke what a great car, what size motor did it have (think it was a 360)etc, etc. then when it got to sunset, they started telling him that the near side tail light was not working - this happened at least three times.
Val just loved the big gas guzzler, you can tell by the look on her face, and it made us both laugh out loud as she sat there. What an experience.
Next night at the family barbecue, we witnessed another side of American life, when a snitchy neighbour, firstly called the police and reported Lukes boy and his cousin for playing with fireworks (they were'nt, someone over the road had let off an exploding skyrocket) but the first we saw was a fully armed policewoman appear in the corner of the garden, looking at me and asking if I was the parent!!
Luke was quickly summoned and soon sorted this out. Then later in the night when one of the guests had stoked up the in ground fire pit a bit too high, causing the odd spark, but nothing too bad, we suddenly had two firemen appear from the same corner of the garden, brandishing fire extinguishers with which they proceeded to hose the fire out.
We wondered what Luke was going to turn on next.
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